Dr Kath MacDonald (Prof Doctorate, MSc, SFHEA) is the founder of ListenUpStorytelling. She has a long history of working with Health Professionals. This comes from her teaching career as a Senior Lecturer in Nursing and Education, and in her clinical role in the NHS as a Nurse Specialist and as an Honorary Nursing Research Consultant.
She has published widely in the fields of chronic illness and adolescence, student and patient experience and in the use of poetry in Nursing. Recognising that stories are a powerful tool in professionals’ learning and development, ListenUpStorytelling was formed.
Kath is an Apprentice Storyteller and member of the Storytelling Forum at the Scottish Storytelling Centre Edinburgh, which is funded through Traditional Arts Culture Scotland: TRACS: https://tracscotland.org/
Kath works with a range of facilitators or storytellers who she draws on depending on the nature of the project.

Dr Kath MacDonald

Dr Caroline Dickson
Dr Caroline AW Dickson (RN; Prof Doctorate; MSc; SFHEA)
After a long period of collaborating with Kath in her role as educator, Caroline became the Director of ListenUpStorytelling in 2024. A nurse by background, she has a special interest in ‘lived experience’ and finding ways to hear voices seldom heard; person-centredness, leadership and developing healthful cultures.
She has experience in facilitating a range of development programmes and conducting research nationally and internationally that aim to develop collective caring cultures. Her research expertise lies in social research, specifically facilitation, practice development and other participatory methodologies.
She is a member of the Centre for Person-centred Practice Research https://www.cpcpr.org/ and a member of the Person-centred Practice – International Community of Practice https://www.pcp-icop.org/.
Caroline is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is also an Honorary Fellow at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, an associate facilitator with the Foundation of Nursing Studies and was awarded Fellow of Queens Nursing Institute in Scotland in 2017.
ListenUpStorytelling C.I.C
We are a Social Enterprise that creates safe spaces and effective places through facilitated storytelling. We have experience across the third sector and in health and social care settings. We are committed to: collaborating with others, co-designing work, and embedding sustainable practice. We actively seek opportunities for new collaborations in evaluation research, culture transformation, well-being and applied performance.